
Rapunzel, Rapunzel, Throw Down Your… Oh Wait, You’re Losing Your Hair?

Apr 7, 2021

Have you been spending a little more time than usual standing in front of the mirror recently, but for all the wrong reasons?

Indeed, realizing that those lush locks are looking a little less lush and a lot more flat can be a moment of sheer panic.

Hair loss affects a lot more people than you may realize and is not a privilege exclusive to those in their later years of life! So if you are among the many people around the world who are worried about how to prevent hair loss, you’ve come to the right place!

In this article, we’ll provide you with just a few excellent tips on what you can do to fall in love with your hair again and reduce the rate you’re losing it!

Don’t Go It Alone – You Need The Advice Of A Professional

When it comes to your appearance and personal care, there are plenty of areas you can maintain and improve on your own.

However, when you’re suffering from hair loss, it’s time to enlist the help of an expert. Make an appointment with a hair salon that you know you trust and discuss your concerns with one of the professional stylists.

Experienced hairstylists deal with hair loss issues as part and parcel of their daily work They know all about the myths that don’t work, which tips do work, and will analyze your unique hair to recommend what really works for you.

If you do not follow any other tips on this blog, do this one; make an appointment!

Look At Your Diet

Our diet affects how our body works in so many ways. Did you know that a 2018 study found that the Mediterranean diet can reduce female and male pattern baldness? If this is the case, surely it will help if you have hair loss concerns.

The added bonus here is that it’s not just your hair that will benefit, but your whole body will do too!

Consider A Multivitamin

Whilst sticking to a healthy diet can work wonders, your body may still be lacking certain vitamins or minerals that are impacting your hair loss.

Taking good quality multivitamins and minerals supplement your body’s nutrients to give it what it needs to ensure everything is working at its optimum levels, including, of course, hair growth.

Consider Your Hair Products

Depending on your hair type, you may be using a shampoo or other hair products that are too harsh for your hair. Harsh products with low quality or synthetic chemicals may contribute to hair loss.

Talk to your hairstylist about the products you use or looking at using. They are experts at understanding the needs of your hair condition and recommending the right hair products to minimize hair loss and boost hair growth.

Indeed, none of us like to think about the nasty topic of hair loss. But if hair loss is becoming an issue for you, it’s time to act.

Check your diet, start taking a good multivitamin, and make an appointment with your hairstylist as soon as possible!

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all images are styled by savile row stylists. copyright on all images.

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