
Find Your Stylist Match

Looking for your dream stylist? Take our short quiz to find out which Savile Row stylist is the best fit for your hair type, personal style, and your personality!!

adam pimentel

level IIIII stylist + owner

 Adam’s Instagram

haley reid

level IIII stylist + salon leader

 Haley’s Instagram

Opal Anderson

level IIII stylist

 Opal’s Instagram

adrianna oliphant

level III stylist

 Adrianna’s Instagram

Alana Horst

level IIII stylist

 Alana’s Instagram

Amy Wynn

level IIII stylist

 Amy’s Instagram

Christina Davey

level IIII stylist + makeup artist

 Christina’s Instagram

Josie Bima

level III stylist

 Josie’s Instagram

Hailey Spencer-Narin

level II stylist

 Hailey’s Instagram

Bob Deskins

level IIII stylist

 Bob’s Instagram

Harmanjeet Kaur

new talent stylist

Harmanjeet’s Instagram

Book Online Now


Monday - Friday 9-9

Saturday 8-6

Sunday 11-5


Available at storefront as well as rear (access off of niagara street)


all images are styled by savile row stylists. copyright on all images.

Savile Row Salon - Winnipeg Luxury Hair Salon, Stylists & Colouring

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